FACT: I'm not surprised by her ability to jump right in
and have no issues during drop off. (Although, I'm very aware that this could change at any time.) I am
surprised that I didn't lose my cool on her first day and cry her entire class
a river to play in. I purposely wore no
eye makeup that morning because I was 99.9% sure this would happen. I must have
looked like real crap considering I was up at 4:30 AM just thinking about
leaving her. FACT: I had far more anxiety than she did.
After dropping her off I had a brief orientation, then a
full hour to myself. My mother in law was watching my youngest and I was at a
complete loss . . . I was kid free?! What should I do? . . . I ran a quick errand and got coffee. It was
the best coffee I've had in a long time. It was hot, unlike the coffee that
sits on my counter every morning waiting for me to chug down in between making
breakfast, cleaning up and getting my kids dressed. I enjoyed it, but at the same time I watched
my car clock like a hawk. I was counting down the minutes until it was time to
head back to school and hear all about Lanie's day. I arrived early, and was
welcomed back by the center director. She told me the kids were outside and
encouraged me to take a peek out the window. I watched her play. FACT: This brought a huge smile to my face.
She was happy to see me waiting when she walked in, and
was excited to tell me about all the fun stuff she did on the car ride home.
This is where fact and fiction get hard to decipher. She told me she played with boys called
twins. This is a fact. I met them when I
dropped her off, and she was quick to head over and play blocks with them. She told me she loved using scissors. (Something I have not done with her.) She showed me the motions of using a
scissors, and said she needed some of her own for at home. "I need my own
scissors, golden ones. I need to cut Charlotte's hair." This is a FACT: she did not learn how to use
scissors from me. It's also a fact that we'll stick to using scissors at
school, at least for now. We don't need
her younger sister getting any unwanted haircuts. She told me that her whole
class went to Marshall's to buy new shoes. I'm 100% sure that this is FICTION, but it gave me a good laugh.
On her second day she was not as quick to offer up info
about her morning. That's when I drilled
her for it. (Bad idea.) "Did you have fun?" "What did you do?" "What are your new friends
names?" This is what I got: "YES, I HAD FUN." "I got green marker on my shirt and it
made me angry." "My new best friend is Polka Dot, okay?!" I'm pretty sure the had fun part was a FACT,
and that she was just angry that I was asking her so many questions all at
once. The green marker on her shirt was
a FACT, and she was beyond pissed about it. I explained to her that its okay to get dirty, dirty means fun! Plus your mom is a master with a stain
stick . . . relax! (She's a little prissy
when it comes to getting dirty sometimes . . . we're working on that.) As far as
"Polka Dot" goes, I'm pretty sure that's FICTION. Although, I should ask her teachers for a
class list. You never know with all
the unique names people come up with
these days. My sincere apologies if your reading this and have a "Polka
Dot" of your very own.
All and all preschool has been a big hit for all of us . . . except for my youngest who is upset that she isn't old enough to go to preschool yet! (Nothing that some
munchkins from Dunkin Donuts can't take care of.)
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