Friday, April 12, 2013

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

This blog contains material that is not appropriate for those who do not have a toddler, have never had a toddler or don't plan on having a toddler. Reader discretion is advised.

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly ~ ~ Illustration by Sara Capello
As a stay at home mom of two small children I often find myself categorizing my days. For instance, if my husband calls to check in and see how the day is going he will usually get one of three answers . . . 
Good, Bad or Ugly. 

The Good Day ~
A day that consists of minimal tantrums. It's a day that we can get outside and enjoy the nice weather, or a day that is followed up by a good nights sleep by all. Every parent hopes for good days, but lets be realistic . . . they don't always happen.

The Bad Day ~
  A day that is usually triggered by sickness, lack of sleep or spending a good portion of your time dealing with temper tantrums. Bad is feeling overwhelmed. I'm not a fan of bad days, but who is?

Then there is . . .

The Ugly Day ~
These are the days that the ball lies in your court.  As the parent you have two options:

1. Lose your cool and set the tone for a potential bad day or
2. Try your best to be patient and just laugh off the ugly. 

Believe me, it's not always easy, but if you can, it's worth it.

This morning was one of those UGLY ones.  
As I was cleaning up after breakfast my kids were on the other side of my kitchen island out of my sight. They had been zooming toy cars across the kitchen floor when I heard my oldest yell "OH NO!  That looks so awful!" A phrase I had never heard her say before. I stopped what I was doing and walked over to see what was going on. There, before my eyes, was a giant puddle on the floor. My first thought was that it must be water but I quickly realized their sippy cups were filled with milk, not water. As I stood there for a few seconds trying to ponder over what caused this ginormous puddle it came to me . . . it was pee.
My youngest has now figured out how to rip her diapers off and she definitely pulled a fast one on me. She was fully clothed in her zip up, footy pajamas but, somehow still managed to pull off her diaper. At the very moment that I realized what the mysterious puddle was, my oldest looked at me and jumped in the pee like a kid would jump in a puddle with rain boots on except she was wearing footy pajamas just like her sister. And again I must say, this was a huge puddle of PEE not water. Apparently the phrase "Oh no, that looks so awful" translates in toddler to "Oh Boy, this is awfully fun!"  
It gets worse. As I'm trying to clean up the puddle, distract my kids from zooming the toy cars in it and strip them out of their wet pajamas, I realize that not only did my youngest pee . . . YUP, you guessed it. And somehow during this whole ordeal the diaper dangling from her ankle stayed bone dry.  There was an upside to all of this though. We got a jump start to our morning. Everyone was bathed and out the door by 8 AM to run some errands. 

While we were out running errands a cashier asked my kids "How are you doing today?". My oldest replied with, "I'm great! I played in a puddle of pee!" I just laughed and walked away without explanation. I really didn't want to rehash my morning. We spent the next couple of hours at the park where I kept a close eye on my youngest. One diaper incident was enough for one day.
As a parent I am thankful for the good days. I accept the bad days with the knowledge of the next day being a fresh start and I try my best to always turn the ugly around. Most importantly, I appreciate every day with them. Here's to an afternoon that is pee puddle free . . . hopefully.

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  1. Oh my gosh, seriously funny! Trying not to laugh out loud (don't want to wake the boy), so my giggling is shaking the bed instead!

  2. Haha, Jen it got so crazy I was laughing too!

  3. When my niece was little I was rushing to take her to the bathroom and she loudly announced that we didn't have to rush. We could pee in a bucket, like my grandmother often allowed.
    Lots of chuckles that day!

  4. HA. My son once ran out of his room naked and peed a long line across the living room. The dog was like - seriously, I would NEVER get away with that. :)

    1. Ha! That's great Deb! The stuff that kids get away with... ;).

  5. Ha! I can't believe your daughter told the cashier that she played in a puddle of pee! Hilarious! Followed you on bloglovin' (visiting from the hop).

    1. I know right...The poor Target cashier had know idea what type of conversation she was in for! :). Thanks for the follow!

  6. So funny!! We once found a turd in our oldest daughter's footed pyjamas. That was a surprise! Somehow, she also managed to get the diaper off and went at it. I just had to laugh so hard!

  7. I remember this post! It was just as funny the second time around, so I decided to comment again! (anyway I'm a new blog now so it's like two comments!)

  8. It's amazing, isn't it how children who cannot tie their shoes manage to get their diaper off while remaining clothed?

  9. This post was hilarious!! I am so glad you took a potentially ugly day and made it a funny one. That's exactly my take on those kinds of days. I will seriously think to myself--you can get upset about this, or you can shake it off and laugh and just move on. It's just what you've got to do! This same thing has happened to me (not me, but my toddler, haha), and I think you described it perfectly when you said the diaper was still dangling by the ankle. I laughed out loud reading this. Awesome post!

    1. Thanks so much Shay! Glad you got a laugh :-) So good to know I'm not the only one these crazy things happen to!

  10. Oh. My. Word. This is funny, but in a "it's so wrong and gross but I can totally relate kind of funny" way. My now two year old once managed to get poop out of his diaper (while it was still on him and he was fully clothed, I think even in a onesie), smear it all over his hands, his legs, a door even. It was gross. I don't know how I didn't gag. When my husband found out about it, he laughed. Of course he would; he didn't have to clean it up! Said kid is in the process of potty training but won't go poop in his potty. Instead, he'll stick his fingers in his pull-up, pull out a bit of poop, run to us, and announce that he's dirty. Ugh.

    1. Oh, YUCK Stacey! I really feel for you. I hope it doesn't go there with my girls, pee I can handle! lol

  11. Thank you for joining Second-Chance Sunday! I shared, tweeted, +1, and pinned!

    1. Thanks so much Lisa! I really appreciate it!
